Don't Be A Sugar Baby! (10 Day Sugar Detox)
A ten day exploration into your relationship with sugar that will teach you how to lovingly experience power over your cravings for sweets, rather than being controlled by them.
Your relationship with sugar is driven by your EMOTIONS not logic. This course is designed to quickly shift your relationship with sugar by changing the emotions, rather than just beating you over the head with more information. If information worked, you would have already given up added sugars years ago.
Did you know that hidden sugars in processed foods make them more addictive?
Learn how to spot sugar aliases on nutrition labels so you can eliminate the added sugars you didn't even know you were eating
Bonus modules are coming in 2025 where you will learn about gut microbiome, as well as why you might crave dairy, grains, and alcohol
Additional Support
How Sugar Cravings Kept Your Ancestors Alive
FREE PREVIEWRecommended Reading
Happiness is the Ultimate Sweetener
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Make Peace with Food Cravings
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How Your Mind Can Help You or Undermine You
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